In June 2017, the Joint Working Group of the India-EU Water Partnership agreed on an IEWP Action Plan including nine Priority Areas (PRs) for the cooperation and implementation on water resources as well as river basin management, these include:

PR1:Sustainable Development of River Basins and Water Governance

A River Basin Management Plan for the Tapi River is being developed on a pilot basis and merging EU good practices with Indian approaches. The approach is fully aligned to the principles of the River Basin Management Cycle that guides integrated management of rivers in the EU.

PR2:Environmental Flows (E-Flows)

A guidance document for pilot testing an E-flows assessment methodology for possible policy integration is being developed. Using this document, E-flows are being jointly assessed for critical stretches in three River Basins (Ramganga, Mahanadi, and Bharatpuzzah) having different social and hydrological regimes.

PR3: Ganga Rejuvenation (including cGanga Cooperation)

An interactive dashboard on water quality for the River Ganga is being developed. In close cooperation with the World Bank’s Water Resources Group 2030 and the Netherlands, a multi-stakeholder engagement and process is being applied in the Hindon River Basin to achieve: improved data management for well-informed decision making and monitoring; development of a strategic River Basin Management approach including Key Water Management Objectives, related visions and management objectives to tackle the Hindon River's Rejuvenation.

PR4:Groundwater Use

Knowledge Sharing and Capacity Building based on EU approaches to groundwater management are facilitated. This contributes to the development of the groundwater chapter of the Tapi River Basin Management Plan (PR1). Further, technical support on the use of innovative technologies for aquifer mapping and data analysis is provided.

PR5: Water Use in Irrigation

A canal automation Action Plan for the tertiary distribution system of Upper Indrawati irrigation project in Odisha is being developed on a pilot basis. Further, a protocol for estimating irrigation efficiency for the Mahuar (Madhya Pradesh), Lower Panjara (Maharashtra) and Golavagu (Telangana) irrigation projects are being prepared.

PR6:Solar Pumping for Irrigation as part of River Basin Management Plans

This PR is closely linked to PR1. As part of the Tapi River Basin Management Plan, possible impacts on groundwater quantity through the extensive use of solar pumps is being investigated.

PR7: Capacity Building

This PR involves capacity building on various topics under the Priority Areas. Technical training exchanges are and will be organized including E-Flows, River Basin Management, Groundwater Management, Irrigation Efficiency, Wastewater re-use, and more.

PR8:Treated Wastewater Re-use

Approaches for the re-use of treated wastewater in the Ganga and other River Basins are being assessed. EU good practices are intended to feed into this PR.

PR9:Collaboration in Research, Innovation & Technology

Ways to link present collaborative research and innovation projects between EU and India with the selected PRs of the IEWP will be explored. In this context, synergies with the EU’s Horizon2020 water projects are mutually exploited towards best possible results. Further, the IEWP will support the dissemination of EU best technologies.

For each of the PRs, an Indian nodal technical officer has been nominated by the MoWR, RD & GR, GoI as well as EU technical coordinators are in place. In close collaboration, the Indian and EU nodal officers are responsible for developing and implementing activities corresponding to their PR. A list of Indian nodal officers and EU technical coordinators for each of the priority area can be accessed The latest IEWP Action Plan for all the nine Priority Areas is a living document.