Tapi River Basin Management Plan adopted by the Tapi River Basin Committee 2020-10-09
In its 3rd Meeting (9 October 2020) the Tapi River Basin Committee adopted the Tapi River Basin Management Plan (Tapi RBM Plan) that has been developed under the India-EU Water Partnership. Many Indian and EU Experts have been working together over the last two years to achieve this important milestone. The 3rd Tapi River Basin Committee Meeting was attended by the Secretary of the Ministry of Jal Shakti, the members of the Tapi River Basin Committee including Tapi Basin States, representatives from the EU Delegation and IEWP/GIZ Project Management Unit as well as the EU Experts.
The Tapi RBM Plan is fully aligned to good practices of the European Union. Five Key Water Management Issues have been identified and agreed by the Tapi Basin States. These have been addressed with a Risk Assessment and measures to reduce possible impacts of surface waters and groundwaters in the Tapi River Basin. The Tapi RBM Plan together with its Programme of Measures and the thematic Tapi Maps follow integrated management towards targeted planning and well-informed decision making for the entire Tapi River Basin that is shared by three States.
In the upcoming Phase 2 of the India-EU Water Partnership (starting on 1 November 2020) the Tapi RBM Plan will be detailed and the gradual implementation of the Programme of Measures will be facilitated by the IEWP under the steering of the Tapi River Basin Committee. In addition, it is envisaged to now carry out a broader stakeholder consultation of the Tapi RBM Plan and its Programme of Measures at the Central and State level.